These are the top 10 web application vulnerabilities in 2022. It is important to be aware of them and take steps to protect your web application from these threats. By taking the necessary precautions, and potentially using vulnerability testing as…

These are the top 10 web application vulnerabilities in 2022. It is important to be aware of them and take steps to protect your web application from these threats. By taking the necessary precautions, and potentially using vulnerability testing as…
Note: These instructions are for version 2 of the Perspectives Server software, and are now out of date. We will be releasing an updated guide with the next release, version 3.2. For now please see the Perspectives Serve README for up-to-date instructions, or…
Perspectives currently does not work in Firefox 32 and higher. This is a known issue. When Perspectives runs you will see a yellow exclamation icon and the error message “‘an internal security change error occurred: TypeError: ti.cert.md5Fingerprint is undefined’”. Firefox 32 is the first…
What is the GDPR What is GDPR? GDPR means the General Data Protection Regulation, that was agreed by the European Parliament and Council in April 2016. These will substitute and replace the Data Protection Directive 95/46/ec in Spring 2022 as…
You have probably come across the phrase cyber security all too often. It is a phrase that appears online frequently these days. But do you know what it really implies? If you answered yes, good job on your part. But…
Data security software protects and encrypts data, catalogs, and systems from threats, hacks, and mechanical failure. Companies will utilize data security software to ensure the safety of sensitive and secretive data about their business, clients, and customers. Administrators will utilize…
Soon the heimdal and nine-eyes notaries will be upgraded to scan websites with Server Name Indication. Notaries will display whether they use SNI scanning on their index page: Notaries will display their SNI status on their index page This change should only improve notary results…
In addition to being popular, Firefox is one of the most secured browsers globally. There are a number of ways penetration testers and security professionals use Firefox to perform security testing such as using an intercepting proxy like Burp Suite…